Franciscan Spirituality
As Sisters of St. Francis, we celebrate and embrace our Franciscan heritage and the humble spirituality of St. Francis. Thomas of Celano, an early follower and first biographer of St. Francis, wrote that Francis’ greatest desire was to observe the Gospel in all and through all things. Because we are all created by one God, we are all brothers and sisters. Francis grew in his understanding of this throughout his life.
Living as witnesses to the Gospel is at the very core of Franciscan spirituality. Such witness and service are quintessentially Franciscan – helping to bring the word of God and helping alleviate injustice in all time and for all times.
As Franciscan women, we strive to live the spirit of St. Francis by living simply, loving honestly and humbly serving one another and all of God’s people.
As Franciscan women, we stand with and advocate for those without a voice in our society – the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed and the vulnerable – to help restore human dignity and rights of all.
As Franciscan women, we support one another in our personal and spiritual journeys. We do this through our community prayer, worship, hospitality and compassionate caring.
- to follow Jesus Christ
- in total responsiveness to the Providence of God.
- the evangelical life in Community,
- striving to live the poverty of Jesus Christ
- and to proclaim peace in the joy of the Spirit.
Mission Statement
We, the Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God, commit ourselves to the evangelical life of continuous conversion in the tradition of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis according to the example of our founding Sisters.
Called together by a good and provident God, we cultivate an intimacy with God that is nourished by Sacred Scripture, by the Eucharist, by our gift of self to others and in reverence for all creation.
Faithful to our Charism, we go to those to whom Providence sends us and conscious of our
mission in the Church, we assume the commitment of evangelization and liberation, especially with the poor and oppressed. We witness to God’s overflowing love by our lives and service, promoting justice, peace and reconciliation among all.
In simplicity and joy, we are signs of hope, for we believe that Jesus Christ is with us in the power of His Resurrection.
Logo Symbolism
The logo symbolizes our call to be a Franciscan Sisterhood by incorporating the Tau Cross, a Scriptural symbol that Francis adopted for his way of life, signifying continuing conversion for the renewal of the Church. The multi-colored semi-circles to the left of the Cross incorporate the colors of the flags of the two nations, the United States and Brazil, wherein our congregation resides and ministers to the people of God. The phrase, “Confidently, Joyfully, We Go Forward” was the theme for the 21st General Chapter of the congregation.