Peace and Every Good
We are a congregation of active women religious who have chosen to live the Gospel simply and plainly in the footsteps of Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi. Our Sisters invite you to explore these pages and learn more about us, how we live, what we believe, and how we dedicate our lives to God through serving God’s Church and God’s people.
INSPIRED by Francis of Assisi to follow Jesus Christ in total responsiveness to the Providence of God. WE EMBRACE the evangelical life in community, striving to live the poverty of Jesus Christ and to proclaim peace in the joy of the Spirit.
In Prayerful Memory
Peace and blessings on this All Souls Day. Join us as we prayerfully remember our faithfully departed Sisters and all those who have gone before us in faith to their eternal home. You are also welcome to share with us the names of your loved ones whom our Sisters, Associates, and prayer partners will keep in prayer all of November. Please send memorial prayer requests to
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St. Francis Academy Alumnae Association
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